We provide 1-1 sessions with our clients, to support them in accessing essential services and support they need. During these sessions, we listen to clients’ concerns and assess any additional support they may need, offering a trusted space where they feel understood and valued. Often, they are not aware of the services available to them, or have struggled to access them on their own. We refer clients to external services, such as GPs, mental health organisations, or Citizen’s Advice, to ensure they receive comprehensive care beyond our immediate support.
We also help many clients navigate applications for essential services like benefits, council tax exemptions, and disability aids.
These individuals often face low confidence and/or limited digital skills, which can become a major barrier for them accessing the resources they need. We work closely with clients to identify the support they need, assisting them with completing applications, gathering necessary information, and making referrals to relevant services.
Do you or someone you know need help and support to get through a difficult time? We know that asking for help is not easy, just complete our contact form and we’ll be in touch with more on how we can help.
The McCarthy-Dixon Foundation
67 Grove Rd
Registered Charity Number: 1190255